Memory Management Reference

« 14. Location dependency | 15. Segregated allocation caches | 16. Allocation patterns »

15. Segregated allocation caches

A segregated allocation cache is a data structure that can be attached to any manually managed pool, that maintains a segregated free list, that is, a reserve of free blocks segregated by size.

Create a segregated allocation cache by preparing an array of structures of type mps_sac_class_s and passing them to mps_sac_create(). The values in these structures are hints as to the size of the blocks, the number of blocks of each size, and the relative frequency of allocations and deallocations at that size.

For example, suppose we have a pool where we expect to allocate a small number of relatively long-lived 128-byte objects, and a large number of relatively short-lived 8-byte objects, we might create a cache as follows:

mps_sac_class_s classes[3] = {{8, 100, 10}, {128, 8, 1}};
mps_sac_t sac;

res = mps_sac_create(&sac, pool, sizeof classes / sizeof classes[0], classes);
if (res != MPS_RES_OK)
    error("failed to create allocation cache");

Allocations through the cache (using mps_sac_alloc() or MPS_SAC_ALLOC_FAST) are serviced from the cache if possible, otherwise from the pool. Similarly, deallocations through the cache (using mps_sac_free() or MPS_SAC_FREE_FAST) return the block to the appopriate free list for its size. For example:

Foo *foo;
mps_addr_t p;
mps_res_t res;

res = mps_sac_alloc(&p, sac, sizeof *foo, false);
if (res != MPS_RES_OK)
    error("failed to alloc foo");
foo = p;

/* use 'foo' */

mps_sac_free(sac, p, sizeof *foo);

The macros MPS_SAC_ALLOC_FAST and MPS_SAC_FREE_FAST allow allocation and deallocation to be inlined in the calling functions, in the case where a free block is found in the cache.


It is recommended that you deallocate a block via the same segregated allocation cache that you allocated it from. However, the system is more general than that, and in fact a block that was allocated from cache A can be deallocated via cache B, provided that:

  1. the two caches are attached to the same pool; and

  2. the two caches have the same class structure, that is, they were created by passing identical arrays of size classes.


Segregated allocation caches work poorly with debugging pool classes: the debugging checks only happen when blocks are moved between the cache and the pool.

15.1. Cache interface

type mps_sac_t

The type of segregated allocation caches.


The number of size classes that mps_sac_create() is guaranteed to accept.

More might be accepted: in fact, there might not be any limit in the implementation on the maximum number of size classes, but if you specify more than this many, you should be prepared to handle the result code MPS_RES_LIMIT.

type mps_sac_class_s

The type of the structure describing a size class in a segregated allocation cache.

typedef struct mps_sac_class_s {
    size_t   mps_block_size;
    size_t   mps_cached_count;
    unsigned mps_frequency;
} mps_sac_class_s;

An array of these structures must be passed to mps_sac_create() when creating a segregated allocation cache.

mps_block_size is the maximum size of any block in this size class. It must be a multiple of the alignment of the alignment of the pool to which the cache belongs.

mps_cached_count is the number of blocks of this size class to cache. It is advice to the MPS on how many blocks to cache, not an absolute limit. The cache policy tries to accommodate fluctuations in the population and minimize the cost of responding to client requests; the purpose of this parameter is to limit how much memory the client program is willing to set aside for this purpose. However, a cached_count of zero prevents any caching of blocks falling into that size class.

mps_frequency is a number that describes the frequency of requests (allocation and deallocation combined) in this size class relative to the other size classes in the cache.

mps_res_t mps_sac_create(mps_sac_t *sac_o, mps_pool_t pool, size_t classes_count, mps_sac_class_s *classes)

Create a segregated allocation cache for a pool.

sac_o points to a location that will hold the address of the segregated allocation cache.

pool is the pool the cache is attached to.

classes_count is the number of size classes in the cache.

classes points to an array describing the size classes in the cache.

Returns MPS_RES_OK if the segregated allocation cache is created successfully. Returns MPS_RES_MEMORY or MPS_RES_COMMIT_LIMIT when it fails to allocate memory for the internal cache structure. Returns MPS_RES_LIMIT if you ask for too many size classes: in this case, combine some small adjacent classes.

After this function returns, the array of size classes pointed to be classes is no longer needed and may be discarded. The segregated allocation cache pointed to by sac_o persists until it is destroyed by calling mps_sac_destroy().

This function creates an allocation cache whose free list is segregated into the given size classes. The cache can get more memory from the given pool, or return memory to it.

Segregated allocation caches can be associated with any pool that supports manual allocation with the functions mps_alloc() and mps_free().

The size classes are described by an array of element type mps_sac_class_s. This array is used to initialize the segregated allocation cache, and is not needed after mps_sac_create() returns. The following constraints apply to the array:

  • You must specify at least one size class.

  • All size classes must have different sizes.

  • The size classes must be given in the order of increasing size.

  • The smallest size must be at least as large as sizeof(void *).

  • Each size must be a multiple of the alignment of the pool.

  • There might be a limit on how many classes can be described, but it will be at least MPS_SAC_CLASS_LIMIT.

The MPS automatically provides an “overlarge” size class for arbitrarily large allocations above the largest size class described. Allocations falling into the overlarge size class are not cached.

Any allocations whose size falls between two size classes are allocated from the larger size class.


Too many size classes will slow down allocation; too few size classes waste more space in internal fragmentation. It is assumed that overlarge allocations are rare; otherwise, you would add another size class for them, or even create separate allocation caches or pools for them.

void mps_sac_destroy(mps_sac_t sac)

Destroy a segregated allocation cache.

sac is the segregated allocation cache to destroy.

Returns all memory in the cache to the associated pool. The pool might then return some memory to the arena, but that’s up to the pool’s usual policy.

Destroying the cache has no effect on blocks allocated through it.

void mps_sac_flush(mps_sac_t sac)

Flush a segregated allocation cache, returning all memory held in it to the associated pool.

sac is the segregated allocation cache to flush.

This is something that you’d typically do when you know you won’t be using the segregated allocation cache for awhile, but want to hold on to the cache itself. Destroying a cache has the effect of flushing it.

Flushing the segregated allocation cache might well cause the pool to return some memory to the arena, but that’s up to the pool’s usual policy.


The MPS might also decide to take memory from the segregated allocation cache without the client program requesting a flush.


The client program is responsible for synchronizing the access to the cache, but if the cache decides to access the pool, the MPS will properly synchronize with any other threads that might be accessing the same pool.

15.2. Allocation interface

mps_res_t mps_sac_alloc(mps_addr_t *p_o, mps_sac_t sac, size_t size, mps_bool_t unused)

Allocate a block using a segregated allocation cache. If no suitable block exists in the cache, ask for more memory from the associated pool.

p_o points to a location that will hold the address of the allocated block.

sac is the segregated allocation cache.

size is the size of the block to allocate. It does not have to be one of the size classes of the cache; nor does it have to be aligned.

unused is obsolete. Pass false.

Returns MPS_RES_OK if successful: in this case the address of the allocated block is *p_o. The allocated block can be larger than requested. Blocks not matching any size class are allocated from the next largest class, and blocks larger than the largest size class are simply allocated at the requested size (rounded up to alignment, as usual).

Returns MPS_RES_MEMORY if there wasn’t enough memory, MPS_RES_COMMIT_LIMIT if the commit limit was exceeded, or MPS_RES_RESOURCE if it ran out of virtual memory.


  1. There’s also a macro MPS_SAC_ALLOC_FAST that does the same thing. The macro is faster, but generates more code and does less checking.

  2. The client program is responsible for synchronizing the access to the cache, but if the cache decides to access the pool, the MPS will properly synchronize with any other threads that might be accessing the same pool.

  3. Blocks allocated through a segregated allocation cache should only be freed through a segregated allocation cache with the same class structure. Calling mps_free() on them can cause memory leaks, because the size of the block might be larger than you think. Naturally, the cache must also be attached to the same pool.

  4. It is tempting to call mps_sac_alloc() with a cast from the desired pointer type to mps_addr_t *, like this:

    my_object *obj;
    res = mps_alloc((mps_addr_t *)&obj, sac, sizeof *obj, 0);
    if (res != MPS_RES_OK)

    but this is type punning, and its behaviour is not defined in ANSI/ISO Standard C. See Type punning for more details.

MPS_SAC_ALLOC_FAST(res_v, p_v, sac, size, unused)

A macro alternative to mps_sac_alloc(). It is faster than the function, but generates more code, does less checking.

It takes an lvalue p_v which is assigned the address of the allocated block (instead of a pointer to a location to store it). It takes an additional first argument, the lvalue res_v, which is assigned the result code.


MPS_SAC_ALLOC_FAST may evaluate its arguments multiple times.

void mps_sac_free(mps_sac_t sac, mps_addr_t p, size_t size)

Free a block using a segregated allocation cache. If the cache would become too full, some blocks may be returned to the associated pool.

sac is the segregated allocation cache.

p points to the block to be freed. This block must have been allocated through a segregated allocation cache with the same class structure, attached to the same pool. (Usually, you’d use the same cache to allocate and deallocate a block, but the MPS is more flexible.)

size is the size of the block. It should be the size that was specified when the block was allocated (the cache knows what the real size of the block is).


The client program is responsible for synchronizing the access to the cache, but if the cache decides to access the pool, the MPS will properly synchronize with any other threads that might be accessing the same pool.


There’s also a macro MPS_SAC_FREE_FAST that does the same thing. The macro is faster, but generates more code and does no checking.


mps_sac_free() does very little checking: it’s optimized for speed. Double frees and other mistakes will only be detected when the cache is flushed (either by calling mps_sac_flush() or automatically), and may not be detected at all, if intervening operations have obscured symptoms.

MPS_SAC_FREE_FAST(sac, p, size)

A macro alternative to mps_sac_free() that is faster than the function but does no checking. The arguments are identical to the function.